The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) is a mandated technical document that the Local Government Code (RA 7160) of 1991 has directed local governments, to “prepare their Comprehensive Land Use Plan and enact them through Zoning Ordinances”.
This Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for the period 2020-2029 envisions the city’s future spatial development and to navigate the city’s development of becoming a livable, competitive, self-sustaining and inclusive City of Gingoog and as the agro-industrial and tourism hub of Northern Mindanao. The projections simulated in this plan were based on the previous CLUP data which covers the period 2010-2019. Nevertheless, there are still data used as baseline in this plan that remains dependent with the 2015 censal year which is evident in the demography sector in this plan. To date, the 2020 Census of Population and Housing is already available, however, the official data of some indicators that needs to be disaggregated were not yet released. This CLUP (2020-2029) has been updated since CY 2018 and hence, some data indicators were not yet available at that instance.
One of the most important components of the CLUP process is the mainstreaming of the Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment which provides our city the necessary planning information to supplement the CLUP. The climate and disaster risk assessment seeks to establish a deeper understanding of natural hazards (frequency of occurrence and magnitude) and climate change impacts that may affect barangays and areas in the city; the vulnerabilities of the various exposed elements; and the magnitude of risks involved in order to identify the pressing development challenges, problems, issues, and concerns so the proper interventions for mitigation and adaption can be translated into the various aspects of the CLUP.
Understanding the potential risks and the vulnerabilities will allow decision- makers (i.e. the City Mayor, City Vice Mayor, the SP Council and the Department Heads) and stakeholders (i.e. CSO’s and other private entities) to make informed and meaningful decision. Therefore, this plan is a reflection of the ever-changing socio-economic and geophysical environment of Gingoog City as well as adheres the challenges that such changes pose upon the future governance of the city.